Association of Mental Health Providers

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Working Through a Winter Covid-Land: Maintaining Personal Resilience and Looking After your Teams

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: November 12, 2020

It’s November 2020, and the chances of a Covid-free Christmas are looking pretty slim. Although Wales has just exited its “fire-break” lockdown, England is one week into lockdown 2.0 and UK-wide restrictions in one form or another do not look like they are going anywhere anytime soon. People have lost jobs, businesses have had to…

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The Role of the VCSE Sector in Recovery from Substance Misuse

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: October 14, 2020

– Caitlin McFee, Project Lead, Mental Health Sustainability Programme Please note that the views of the interviewee in this blog post are subjective and do not represent those of the organisation. This year’s theme for World Mental Health Day was “mental health for all – greater investment, greater access“. What better time, therefore, to talk…

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November Update

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: November 11, 2019

A letter from Jonathan Marron, Director General at Department of Health and Social Care, was sent to all adult social care providers on the 29th October regarding the extension of the Article 50 period to 31 January 2020, available here. The letter outlines the plans regarding the possibility of a No Deal Brexit, and DHSC’s…

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Webinar with Homeless Link - Homelessness, Mental Health, and Prevention

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: July 2, 2019

Webinar Date: Thursday 27 June 2019 Delivered by: Caroline Bernard This webinar, with Caroline Bernard from Homeless Link, will provide a short overview of the current mental health prevention landscape in relation to people who are homeless, highlighting specific issues that people who are experiencing homelessness face and outlines the VCSE sector’s role in preventing the…

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Webinar with Men's Health Forum - Men’s Mental Health and Prevention

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: June 30, 2019

Webinar Date: Wednesday 26 June 2019 Delivered by: Jim Pollard This webinar, with Jim Pollard from Men’s Health Forum, will provide a short overview of the current mental health prevention landscape in relation to men and the role the VCSE can play. Male mental health problems are under-diagnosed in the early stages. They are often only recognised once symptoms…

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Webinar with NSUN - Peer Support, User-Led Organisations, Mental Health, and Prevention

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: June 22, 2019

Webinar Date: Thursday 18 June 2019 Delivered by: Sarah Yiannoullou and Emma Ormerod This webinar, with Sarah Yiannoullou and Emma Ormerod from NSUN, will provide a short overview of the role of local user-led organisations and peer support initiatives in the prevention of mental ill health and social exclusion. There is a significant role for prevention amongst people…

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Webinar with Carers Trust - Carers, Mental Health, and Prevention

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: June 21, 2019

Webinar Date: Wednesday 19 June 2019 Delivered by: Laura Bennett This webinar, with Laura Bennett from Carers Trust, will provide a short overview of the role of carers in supporting people with mental health needs and the prevention of their ill-health, but also how carers themselves are impacted and experience mental health conditions as a result. A…

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Webinar with Age UK - Older Adults, Mental Health, and Prevention

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: June 19, 2019

Webinar Date: Wednesday 17 June 2019 Delivered by: Alice Roe This webinar, with Alice Roe from Age UK, will provide a short overview of the issues affecting older adults with depression not accessing mental health services. Mental health and emotional wellbeing are as important in older age as at any other time of life. However, there have been historic inequalities…

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Webinar with Citizens Advice - Money, Mental Health and Prevention

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: June 17, 2019

Webinar Date: Thursday 13 June 2019 Delivered by: Amani Fairak This webinar, with Amani Fairak from Citizens Advice, will provide a short overview of how financial difficulties and debt can impact a person’s mental health and how this can be prevented. This webinar will also include a presentation by a local Citizens Advice charity as an example of…

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Guest Blog: Mental Health Research Roundtable

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: June 7, 2018

-Louise Arseneault, ESRC Mental Health Leadership Fellow, King’s College London #MHResearchRoundtable The current synergy around mental health calls for greater collaboration between academia and the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector to better understand, prevent and treat mental health conditions. The need for this partnership emerges from both sides. On the one hand, academic…

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Guest Blog: The Impact of Reduced Support on our Customers with Mental Health Conditions

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: May 31, 2018

-Julie Layton, Advance UK As a housing and support organisation for people with learning disabilities or mental health conditions, Advance is committed to providing high quality support that will enable our customers to live the lives they choose. However, in today’s financial climate, it is proving increasingly difficult to provide services that are customer-centred, deliver…

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Guest Blog: The Mental Health and Smoking Partnership: Tackling Health Inequality

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: February 6, 2018

-Hazel Cheeseman, Action on Smoking and Health There are many challenges in mental health services today but few feel more pressing than finding solutions to the stark difference in life expectancy between the users of these services and the population as a whole. In recent times there has been a growing movement to address the…

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