Association of Mental Health Providers

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St. Andrew's Healthcare

Telephone: 01604616000


St Andrew’s Healthcare is a charity providing specialist mental healthcare for patients with complex needs. We provide care across a number of inpatient and community services covering men’s and women’s mental health, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Neuropsychiatry, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Learning Disability.

We develop innovative ways to help patients recover, creating a package of care designed around each individual, their preferences and needs. We focus on physical and spiritual wellbeing as well as mental health.

Our history began in 1838 with the opening of our hospital at Northampton offering 'humane' care to the mentally ill. Over 180 years later, our charitable purpose is much the same: to ‘promote wellbeing, give hope and enables recovery’.

As a charity our surpluses are reinvested in patient care. We have no shareholders or owners to pay dividends to, and we can therefore put people first.