Association of Mental Health Providers

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Together: Peer Support in Secure Services


Published: August 17, 2017

Together commission research to provide evidence for practitioners and policymaker to help them improve care for people experiencing mental distress.

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A working partnership: analysis of the relationship between probation in London and Together for Mental Wellbeing


Published: August 17, 2017

Together commission research to provide evidence for practitioners and policymaker to help them improve care for people experiencing mental distress.

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Evaluating Your Way: Together's model of personalised community mental health support


Published: August 17, 2017

Together commission research to provide evidence for practitioners and policymaker to help them improve care for people experiencing mental distress.

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Progression Together: An evaluation of a model of personalised residential care developed by Together for Mental Wellbeing


Published: August 17, 2017

Together commission research to provide evidence for practitioners and policymaker to help them improve care for people experiencing mental distress.

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Talking about mental health: Together’s jargon-busting leaflet


Published: August 17, 2017

Together’s guides aim to help those who come in contact professionally with people with mental health problems understand the issues and follow best practice. Together produce guides for everyone that demystify some of the issues around mental health.  

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Together: Good practice guide to valuing, respecting and supporting service user activity


Published: August 17, 2017

Together’s guides aim to help those who come in contact professionally with people with mental health problems understand the issues and follow best practice. Together produce guides for everyone that demystify some of the issues around mental health.  

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Together: Service User Involvement in Mental Health Services


Published: August 17, 2017

Together’s guides aim to help those who come in contact professionally with people with mental health problems understand the issues and follow best practice. Together produce guides for everyone that demystify some of the issues around mental health.  

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Together: A common sense approach to working with defendants with mental health and well-being needs


Published: August 17, 2017

Together’s guides aim to help those who come in contact professionally with people with mental health problems understand the issues and follow best practice. Together produce guides for everyone that demystify some of the issues around mental health.  

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Together: Common sense approach to working with women in the criminal justice system


Published: August 17, 2017

Together’s guides aim to help those who come in contact professionally with people with mental health problems understand the issues and follow best practice. Together produce guides for everyone that demystify some of the issues around mental health.      

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PSS: Social Impact Report Shared Lives and TRIO


Published: August 17, 2017

This report for Shared Lives at PSS looks at the outcomes for people who are unable to live in their own homes for a variety of reasons, as well as for the Shared Lives Carers they recruit and support to provide the care. The report looks at people PSS have supported in 2016-2017 through Shared…

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PSS: Social Impact Report Shared Days: Elderly Mental Health Pilot


Published: August 17, 2017

This social impact report looks at the work done by the PSS’s Shared Days: Elderly Mental Health (EMH) pilot in Wales. This service looks at the outcomes for older people with moderate stage Dementia or mental health issues, who are supported within the community to remain as independent for as long as possible. The report…

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Mental Health North East: Chaos or Empowerment : The impact of personalisation on the North East’s voluntary mental health sector and those who depend on it


Published: August 17, 2017

Personalisation is a key government policy for public services, especially in social care and health, where ‘self directed support’ is being introduced in order to increase choice and control for people with support needs. As an ethos personalisation is informed by concepts of co-production and citizenship. A core element is the allocation of a ‘personal…

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