Association of Mental Health Providers

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Response to Drug Strategy 2017

Home Office have published the new Drug Strategy [1], which sets out how the Government and its partners, at local, national and international levels, will take new action to tackle drug misuse and the harm it causes.

The Association’s Chief Executive, Kathy Roberts, has commented:

“We welcome the inclusion of mental health as a key theme in the new Strategy and are pleased to see that the strong link between substance misuse and mental ill-health is recognised. As the research has indicated, up to 70% of people in community substance misuse treatment also experience mental ill-health, and so we welcome the initial step of appointing a new National Recovery Champion to ensure adequate housing, employment and mental health services are available to help people turn their lives around. Collaboration between all agencies and the voluntary and community sector is essential especially in local communities to ensure the best possible treatment and support are available for those with a dual-diagnosis and complex needs.”


For more information, please contact Dania Hanif, Policy and Communications Officer, on or call 020 7766 7496.


[1] Drug Strategy 2017, Home Office, July 2017
