Association of Mental Health Providers

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APPG on MH Inquiry into Progress of Five Year Forward View

The Association will be responding to the APPG on Mental Health’s inquiry into the progress of the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health. To consider The Association’s response, we would be interested in gathering information on the following questions, and would welcome the views of member organisations to strengthen the VCSE response. If you would like to contribute to our response on behalf of the sector, please send your views on the following questions to Dania.

  • Where has the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health made the biggest impact and where could they go further?
    The Committee would like to know which recommendations have seen improvement, which recommendations need more work and which recommendations have not seen any action.
  • What should any new mental health strategy post-2021 focus on?
    The Committee is particularly interested in areas that were missed, such as old age mental health, the mental health of people with intellectual disabilities or psychosis treatment outside of EIP, that could be a focus for any work post-2021 and the future ambition for areas where we have made begun to make progress.
  • How can we better scrutinise the implementation of the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health and what role can the public, Government, policymakers, Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs) and parliamentarians play?
    The Committee welcomes thoughts on measuring the progress made by ALBs, data transparency and workforce.

Responses can be sent to Dania on by Wednesday 6 June.