Association of Mental Health Providers

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Hestia: From Victim to Survivor: Domestic abuse in 21st Century London


Published: August 17, 2017

Hestia’s policy work aims to give a voice to those who use our services in order to inform the work of policy makers and commissioners. In 2012 Hestia published a research report entitled ‘From Victim to Survivor’, which explored the experience of domestic abuse survivors in London. This report updates that research it focuses on…

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Designs in Mind Social Impact Report 2016-2017


Published: August 17, 2017

Designs in Mind Social Impact Report showcases how the designers, referred through mental health services, improves their social life, help give them purpose and creative challenges through experimental art and design work. Through their work, Design in Minds aim to challenge mental health stigma and the predominant culture of low expectation which surrounds their designers.

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Guest Blog: Wellbeing Teams and Mental Health

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: August 3, 2017

– Helen Sanderson, Helen Sanderson Associates “What would Wellbeing Teams and self-management look like in mental health?” Carey Bamber, Policy Adviser and Member Support at The Association, asked me to think about this, and to share ideas through a webinar. A couple of months later we were sat together in my office managing technical challenges…

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Response to NHS England's Announcement to Redesign MH Services

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: June 27, 2017

Association of Mental Health Providers’ Chief Executive, Kathy Roberts, said: “The Association are disappointed by the poor inclusion of voluntary and community sector providers in the recent NHS England announcement introducing new sites to redesign mental health services and cut out-of-area placements. The voluntary and community sector are a vital part of the health and…

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Association of Mental Health Providers is looking for a new Chair

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: June 9, 2017

Association of Mental Health Providers are the leading representative body for voluntary and community sector mental health organisations in England and Wales. We represent our membership of small, medium and large providers – from locally focused to regional and national organisations with the purpose of providing a professional platform on which the vital work of…

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Encouraging Personalised Care and Support Planning in Mental Health Services

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: May 12, 2017

– Edward Strudwick, Operations Manager As we approach the end of Mental Health Awareness week 2017 it is important to think about not only those who have a mental health condition but also those people and organisations who work hard, often without recognition, to support them. With two out of every three adults saying that…

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Appointment of New Chair of TLAP Board

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: May 12, 2017

Clenton Farquharson MBE has been appointed as the new Chair of the TLAP Board. A long serving member of the National Co-production Advisory Group, Clenton is a well-established and highly reputed coach, trainer and consultant and has played a vital role in ensuring that all of TLAP’s work is co-produced to represent the views of people…

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MHPF responds to Spring Budget

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: March 8, 2017

MHPF welcomes the announcement today that this government will invest an additional £2 billion into social care with half coming in 2017/18. It is vital for this investment to be used in the most effective way possible, across all ages and conditions. We hope that the proposed Green paper will be a positive step forward…

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MHPF response to MP George Freeman's comments on disability benefits

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: February 28, 2017

MHPF was deeply disappointed to hear the comments from George Freeman MP, the Head of the Prime Minister’s Policy Unit, suggesting that welfare spending, specifically Personal Independence Payments [PIP], should prioritise “really disabled people” rather than those who were “taking pills at home, who suffer from anxiety.” It is vital for people to understand the…

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Guest Blog: The true value of peer support

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: January 30, 2017

– Jess Worner, Together for Mental Wellbeing A study undertaken by national mental health charity Together for Mental Wellbeing has revealed that every pound spent on peer support yields a social return worth £4.94. Together’s Peer Support Practice Manager Jess Worner takes a closer look at the model behind these impressive stats. Social return on…

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VCSE has vital role in reducing delayed discharge

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: January 6, 2017

Figures released today are revealing the serious problem of delayed discharge from mental health trusts and the impact this is having on both the trusts and people who use them. Analysis has shown that over 17,500 bed days were lost in October 2016 alone with the main cause being a lack of social care and…

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Guest Blog: Time to act for women's mental health

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: December 5, 2016

– Katharine Sacks-Jones, Director, Agenda Women in mental health services are often vulnerable. Struggling with mental health issues makes life harder for any of us. But in many cases women accessing psychological help have additional vulnerabilities. Research suggests that around half of women with mental health problems have experienced sexual or domestic violence. For women…

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