Association of Mental Health Providers

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The King's Speech: Our Response

Ella Dunthorne

Published: July 17, 2024

We are delighted that today’s King’s Speech included reform of the outdated Mental Health Act to “make it fit for the 21st century” through the Mental Health Bill. At a time of rising mental health needs, and hospital failings, people who reach crisis points need a system that gives them choice, rights, and control. As…

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Welcoming our New Chair - Steve Appleton

Ella Dunthorne

Published: July 15, 2024

The Association of Mental Health Providers, the only national representative organisation for mental health charities (VCSE) providing services, is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Appleton as its new Independent Chair. Steve brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the mental health sector, and his leadership will be instrumental in guiding the charity…

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Voting Guide for People Living with a Mental Illness

Ella Dunthorne

Published: July 4, 2024

This brief guide contains useful tips about how you can exercise your voting rights.   Many adults with a mental illness can vote This includes times when you are in a hospital on voting day. People who are under specific Mental Health Act sections, or in prison, are unable to vote. Find out more about…

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Manifestos and Mental Health: What are the Political Parties' Priorities?

Ella Dunthorne

Published: July 2, 2024

As the prevalence of poor mental health and illness rises in England and Wales and the demand for mental health support intensifies, especially within the VCSE service provider sector, ensuring positive mental health outcomes has become increasingly vital. With the general election just days away, it’s important to highlight the key commitments each major political…

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Call for Better Mental Health: General Election Template Email for Candidates

Ella Dunthorne

Published: June 26, 2024

With the general election fast approaching, you can still email your local Parliamentary candidates to add your support for our Manifesto which is calling on the next government to take five key actions to ensure that mental health is prioritised for everyone. We’re calling on all candidates to prioritise mental health and the VCSE mental…

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The Association's response to The Labour Party's General Election Manifesto

Ella Dunthorne

Published: June 13, 2024

The Labour Party published their manifesto “Change” today which sets out plans to “turn the page and start to rebuild our country.” We welcome the Labour Party’s commitment to reduce mental health waiting lists, bolster the mental health workforce with 8,500 new suicide-trained members of staff, and modernise the outdated Mental Health Act.  We know…

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The Association's response to The Green Party's General Election 2024 Manifesto

Ella Dunthorne

Published: June 13, 2024

The Green Party published their new General Election Manifesto: “Real Hope. Real Change.”, which sets out their vision for a “fairer, greener country”. We welcome their call for mental health to be put on an equal footing with physical health care, for the implementation of a legal framework that supports the rights of those struggling…

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Our Manifesto for Better Mental Health

Ella Dunthorne

Published: June 12, 2024

The pandemic and cost of living crisis have led to a rapid increase in the prevalence of mental health needs and demand for mental health services across society. Recent figures estimate that 1 in 6 adults experience a common mental health disorder, like anxiety or depression, in any given week. We know that mental health…

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The Association’s Response to the Conservatives’ 2024 General Election Manifesto

Ella Dunthorne

Published: June 11, 2024

Today, the Conservative Party published “The Conservative and Unionist Party Manifesto 2024” – their plan of actions to “secure the future of our nation and society”. We welcome their commitment to ensure that mental health has parity of esteem with physical health which includes expanding mental health support teams and early support hubs to every…

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The Association's Response to Liberal Democrats' 2024 General Election Manifesto

Ella Dunthorne

Published: June 11, 2024

We welcome the publication of the Liberal Democrats manifesto, For a Fair Deal, highlighting the urgent need for a national transformation to enable a fair deal for everyone. We are pleased to see the call for investment in public health and early access to community services which we know are essential in enabling good mental…

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The Association welcomes a new NHS England Medical Director for Mental Health and Neurodiversity

Ella Dunthorne

Published: June 4, 2024

NHS England has recently announced that Dr Adrian James has been appointed to the role of Medical Director for Mental Health and Neurodiversity. Kathy Roberts, Chief Executive of The Association of Mental Health Providers, said: “The Association welcomes Dr Adrian James’ appointment as the Medical Director for Mental Health and Neurodiversity at NHS England. The…

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Our Data Work - A Year in Review

Ella Dunthorne

Published: May 28, 2024

In Spring 2023, we launched a new campaign – #MHEqualityNow – calling for urgent action to support community mental health services, warning of ‘the perfect storm’ as our research revealed alarming insights into the demand for mental health services. As part of the campaign, we developed two interactive mapping tools, with support from Esri. One…

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