Association of Mental Health Providers

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Our Manifesto for Better Mental Health

The pandemic and cost of living crisis have led to a rapid increase in the prevalence of mental health needs and demand for mental health services across society. Recent figures estimate that 1 in 6 adults experience a common mental health disorder, like anxiety or depression, in any given week.

We know that mental health charities (VCSE sector) providing services continue to face challenges.

Pressures on mental health charities continues to rise and there is an urgent need for greater investment and support across the sector, which supports over 8 million people to live safe and well, often those most marginalised in our society.

We are calling on the next government to take urgent actions to ensure that everyone can live mentally healthier lives, with a crucial need for improvements in access, experience, and outcomes.

We are calling for Better Mental Health for Everyone.

Building on our 5 key demands for government, read our full Manifesto for Better Mental Health outlining actions that ensure mental health is prioritised.
