Association of Mental Health Providers

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Anne Robson Trust


Published: July 14, 2022

“A hand to hold. A listening ear. The presence of another person. These simple things become invaluable in the final days and hours of life.” The Anne Robson Trust believes that no one deserves to die alone. Their support programmes aim to reduce loneliness at the end of life. They equip hospitals to establish, train…

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Mental Health Social Care: What it is, why and how it matters for Integrated Care

Ella Dunthorne

Published: July 5, 2022

This report considers the key role of social care for people living with mental health distress and mental illness. The report has been prepared by the Association, on behalf of the Mental Health Social Care Policy and Oversight Group, for the Department of Health and Social Care. The Policy and Oversight Group brings together partners…

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Cost-of-Living Crisis: Mental Health Resources

Ella Dunthorne

Published: June 21, 2022

The cost-of-living crisis, created by the increase in prices and low financial support for those who need it most, has led to a negative impact on people’s mental health, worsening it for those who already experience poor mental health. It’s essential that those whose financial insecurity and mental illness has been exacerbated know that mental…

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Have your say on the Enhanced Health in Care Homes framework refresh

Ella Dunthorne

Published: June 7, 2022

We would like to invite members to share their thoughts on what we can improve and add to the Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) Framework. This event is open to all. The NHS Long-Term Plan made a commitment to the national roll out of the Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) framework to all…

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Regulations Making Vaccines a Condition of Deployment for Health and Social Care Staff to be Revoked

Ella Dunthorne

Published: February 1, 2022

Key points: Vaccination as a condition of deployment revisited as Omicron replaces Delta as dominant variant. Legal requirement for health and social care staff to be double jabbed to be removed, subject to consultation and parliamentary approval. Vast majority of health and care workers vaccinated but remainder are urged to Get Boosted Now as a…

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Transforming Community Mental Health Services Webinar

Ella Dunthorne

Published: January 10, 2022

Webinar Date: Monday 6 December 2021 Delivered by: Kathy Roberts (Chair), Mark Winstanley (Chair), Mark Trewin, Melanie Brooks, Greg Fell, Isaac Samuels, Liam Gilfellon and Linda Bryant. This webinar is about the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme, in collaboration with Rethink Mental Illness. During this, we will hear from an expert by experience, VCSE providers…

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Developing the Mental Health Social Care Workforce

Ella Dunthorne

Published: September 2, 2021

Increasing pressures on the mental health social care workforce and difficulties in some parts of the sector offering social care related support due to workforce issues are well-known. Although the Community Mental Health Framework is a significant opportunity, it also presents challenges for the sector which require careful planning informed by up-to-date intelligence. Developing the…

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