Association of Mental Health Providers

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Building a VCSE Consensus on Health and Work

As part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, Association of Mental Health Providers (leads of the Mental Health Consortium) has been working in partnership with UK Health Forum, Race Equality Foundation, and the National LGB&T Partnership in conducting a scoping and consensus building exercise to:

  • Recognise what health and disability-focused organisations in the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) are already doing as employers to support disabled employees and employees with long-term conditions to stay in work;
  • Recognise what health and disability-focused VCSE organisations are already doing as advocates to support disabled people and people with long-term conditions to stay in work;
  • Highlight the key points which health focused organisations are in agreement on in relation to health and work for disabled people and those with long-term conditions;
  • Identify principles for continued action.

The outputs from this project – framework for building consensus, project report, resources and case studies – were developed through a scoping and consultative process with the project partners and wider VCSE sector, and provide the foundation as a foundation to build consensus and support on-going work by the sector.
