Association of Mental Health Providers

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Building Community into the Integrated Care System – Our Response

The Association welcomed the publication, by its members Rethink Mental Illness, of this major paper which sets out a range of ways in which statutory and VCSE mental health sectors can work more effectively to help improve and personalise community mental health services, at a time of increasing need and health and care system transformation through Integrated Care Boards.

Reinforcing the Association’s longstanding analysis of the nature of the challenges facing local mental health services and the imperative for services that identify and respond swiftly to mental health inequalities, the report rightly emphasises the essential strategic, system and service delivery roles of the VCSE mental health provider sector.  The Association is particularly pleased that the work of other organisations in its 300 plus membership including Everyturn, The Listening Place, and Second Step, is featured in this report.

More than 8 million people in England access mental health services from the VCSE sector. Recognising and resourcing that support through effective engagement with and sustainable funding  and commissioning of the sector is imperative, if the ambitions for modern, personalised and inclusive community mental health services are to be realised.