Care Act Easements
This guidance sets out how Local Authorities can use the new Care Act easements, created under the Coronavirus Act 2020, to ensure the best possible care for people in our society during this exceptional period.
This guidance sets out how Local Authorities can use the new Care Act easements, created under the Coronavirus Act 2020, to ensure the best possible care for people in our society during this exceptional period.
On 3 March, the Government published the Coronavirus (COVID-19) action plan setting out what the UK as a whole has done – and plans to do – to tackle the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, based on their experience dealing with other infectious diseases and our influenza pandemic preparedness work. The exact response to coronavirus (COVID-19) will be…
Read moreThe Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition have published a live briefing considering the impact of COVID-19 on children and young people’s mental health, and the services that support them. The Coalition and its members are committed to supporting evidence-based approach in responding to COVID-19, and ensure they protect against a public health crisis…
Read moreCOVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings 19 March 2020 COVID-19: guidance for educational settings 25 March 2020 COVID-19: guidance for employees, employers and businesses 24 March 2020 COVID-19: guidance for food businesses 25 March 2020 COVID-19: guidance for hostel or day centres for people rough sleeping 25 March 2020 COVID-19: prisons and other prescribed places of…
Read moreYou can share this official information with staff, people who use services and carers: NHS Advert on COVID-19 featuring the Chief Medical Officer – YouTube > Public Health England – campaign materials – PHE > Overview of coronavirus – NHS > Coronavirus online symptom checker – NHS111 > Staying at home advice – NHS >…
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For all emergencies, mental or physical, please call 999 for an ambulance or go straight to A&E.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, there is support available to you 24/7. Find your local urgent helpline.
For other support services, please see here.
Please note, we are not a mental health service provider.