Association of Mental Health Providers

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CQC’s Review of Mental Health Services for Children and Young People

Association of Mental Health Providers welcomes the report published today by the Care Quality Commission. This report outlines the findings of the first phase of its review of children and young people’s mental health services announced by the Prime Minister in January 2017. The report draws on CQC data from inspections and visits across England, existing research and analysis, and has been informed by a specially convened Expert Advisory Group, which we are members of, CQC’s Children and Young People Advisory Group, and a workshop led by SCIE with children and young people in care and care leavers.

The report describes a “complex and fragmented” system for the mental health care of children and young people, operating at a time of growing demand.  It illustrates a variation in children and young people’s overall experience of the mental health system, where too many children and young people struggle to access the right care at the right time. Children and young people reported concerns over workforce turnover, waiting times and a paucity of person centred care. The report also highlights concerns over the involvement of children, young people and families, the fragmented nature of care provision, and complexity over the transition from children’s to adults services.  Areas for improvement identified in headline include governance, safety and staffing. Some examples of good and outstanding practice are also identified; including local services that have developed effective training for young people and families, improved collaboration between teams and organisations or found new ways to address access for children and young people.

Phase 2 of the review is now underway, looking at what the barriers to improvement are, and will also include fieldwork in 10 areas selected for range and scope. The Association will continue to contribute to this work through the Expert Advisory Group through to the publication of the final report in Spring 2018.

Read the report here and our response here.