Association of Mental Health Providers

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Mental Health and Racial Disparities Seminar

As part of a Health and Wellbeing Alliance Project on mental health and racial disparities, Race Equality Foundation and Friends, Families, and Travellers are holding a seminar, which open to colleagues and organisations who work with black, asian, and minority ethnice communities and have experience with supporting clients with mental health conditions.

The aim of the seminar is to bring together key players in ethnicity and mental health across NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England, the voluntary sector and service users. We will be using the seminar as an opportunity to discuss racial disparities in mental health, as well as share examples of good practice and progress in addressing these. We plan to use the discussion to establish what works and with whom and to ensure that this is robustly reviewed.

More information and registration details can be found here.

