Association of Mental Health Providers

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Mental Health VCSE Providers Focus Group – Young People and Employment

Closing the employment gap for young people with low level mental health needs

At least 6.5% of young people age 16-18 are not in education employment or training (NEET). The UK has the third highest percentage of early leavers from education and training in the EU and 3/4 of mental health conditions start by the age of 24. Young people’s level of educational attainment and their mental and emotional wellbeing can significantly impair their ability to apply for, obtain and maintain work. Particular groups of young people can be disproportionately affected by these issues.

The Department of Health and Social Care has funded a consortium of organisations led by the Young People’s Health Partnership to develop a resource to help guide interventions in this area. We will be engaging with young people, employers, VCSE organisations, mental health providers and Department of Work and Pensions staff to understand strategies being employed to support young people, innovative and promising practice and what employers need to support them to engage with young people affected by mental health needs.

This work is part of the additional work programme of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, a group of 21 organisations that have been brought together to bring the voluntary sector’s voice and expertise into national policymaking. Led by Young People’s Health Partnership, the project is being delivered by the following members of the Alliance:

  • Association of Mental Health Providers, Mental Health Consortium
  • Carers Trust
  • Friends, Families and Travellers
  • Men’s Health Forum
  • Nacro
  • The National LGB&T Partnership

Focus: This work is focused on young people who are struggling to engage with and remain connected to employment and who may be experiencing low level mental health needs such as mild to moderate anxiety and depression. Some groups of young people are particularly affected by these issues and if mental health providers and professionals have reflections about specific groups of young people, that would be helpful.

If you would like to participate in this focus group, please contact Carey to register your interest.