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MHSP & EDP Webinar Series – #6 An Introduction to Governance

WEBINAR TOPIC: An Introduction to Governance

Delivered by the Good Governance Institute

We hope this webinar will introduce to you the ways that good governance and trustee/board involvement can support the growth and development of your organisation.

This webinar will address:

1. How to find the right skill and commitment level of non-executive board directors/charity trustees

2. How to set up good governance policies

3. How to increase involvement from your trustees/board directors

Attendees will leave with:

1. A better understanding of how to meet the relevant regulatory requirements for governance

2. An increased arsenal of engagement methods for trustees in leading your organisation

3. A better idea of the kinds of individuals suited to fill vacancies on your board

These webinars provide you with a chance to hear from an experienced professional on issues you/your organisation are facing (i.e. how to create a digital marketing campaign; how intellectual property law applies to the VCSE sector; etc) and ask appropriate questions. The topics of these webinars will endeavour to be responsive to the themes drawn out of the forums.