Association of Mental Health Providers

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Racial Disparities in Mental Health

As part of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance project on Mental Health and Racial Disparities, Race Equality Foundation, together with the Association of Mental Health Providers and Friends, Families and Travellers, supported by Public Health England, will be holding a seminar on racial disparities in mental health.

Black and minority ethnic people experience a number of inequalities related to mental health. This ranges from particular ethnic communities having a higher risk of being detained in secure institutions, to more general difficulties for all black and minority ethnic communities in accessing appropriate care and support.

This seminar will bring together key players in ethnicity and mental health across statutory services, the voluntary sector and service users.

This event will explore how the findings and case studies from our project can be put into practice. Participants will hear from experts in field, service users and carers, and practitioners doing specific work with black and minority ethnic communities.


