Seminar – Reducing Health Inequalities for People Living with Frailty
As part of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, we are working with NHS England to identify:
- Why there are inconsistences in delivery of healthcare services to disadvantaged people experiencing frailty earlier in life.
- Opportunities to reduce and overcome the barriers to accessible health care that disadvantaged people experiencing frailty earlier in life face.
- How services and examples of good practice have successfully overcome the barriers to health care services that exist.
- Opportunities for primary and secondary health and care services to support people and to prevent the early onset of frailty.
Friends, Families, and Travellers, as lead partners of the project, are holding a seminar event on the Thursday 28 November 2019 for NHS providers, NHS England, voluntary sector organisations and people experiencing disadvantage and frailty to:
- Share findings from our work so far, including our focus groups and call for evidence,
- Identify opportunities for primary and secondary care, community health and community pharmacy to improve access to and experience of health care services for younger people living with frailty
- Identify the key steps required to enable the NHS to achieve a consistent quality standard across the whole pathway including primary and secondary care, community health and community pharmacy and to
- Identify how improved access to healthcare services can prevent the early onset of frailty and enable people to better manage their own health.
This project is being delivered by Friends Families and Travellers, Homeless Link, Mental Health Consortium, LGB&T Partnership, CHANGE, FaithAction and Collective Voice.
Please register here.