Association of Mental Health Providers

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Supporting Good Mental Health for People in Prison, London

Association of Mental Health Providers, in partnership with Clinks, is holding a Supporting Good Mental Health for People in Prison workshop for voluntary sector organisations to explore what participants consider is supportive of good mental health in prisons; barriers or trigger points; and their views on the key elements of a whole prison approach to good mental health. This is a VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance project which is also looking into experiences of protected/hard-to-reach groups for example Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people, Gypsy, Roma and Travellers, people with learning disabilities, and young adults.

The workshop is part of a project which aims to develop a model for a ‘whole prison approach’ to good mental health for people in contact with the criminal justice system. A literature review relating to mental health for people in prison has already taken place and the workshop builds on the themes identified during the literature review.

Clinks will analyse the findings of the consultation events, and develop a final report based on these and the literature review.

Register here.
