Association of Mental Health Providers

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Workshop – Trauma Informed Care in Women’s MH Services, London

As part of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, the Mental Health Foundation is holding a half day workshop for health professionals, commissioners and women with lived experience exploring how mental health services can provide effective support for people, that takes into account the impact of traumatic events, like violence, neglect or losing a loved one, earlier in their lives.

The Mental Health Foundation are working to develop a toolkit that provides relevant, useful information and advice for services seeking to become trauma informed. MHF would like to invite you to participate in a workshop that will help us deepen our understanding of these issues and prioritise ideas for the toolkit.


There will be a participation payment of £45 (£15 per hour) for women with lived experience, and travel expenses will be covered. To register your interest or request further information please contact Dania.
