Association of Mental Health Providers

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The Association of Mental Health Providers seeks to help reduce negative outcomes caused by mental ill-health for individuals through our projects and programmes. The four key areas we are currently looking to develop include projects concerning Refugee Mental Health, the Cost-of-Living Crisis and its Impact on Mental Health, Coproduction in Mental Health Services and National Policy, and the Major Conditions Strategy. Find out more about these initiatives and how you can get involved in our work below. 

Refugees’ Mental Health   

With many having already escaped violence, refugees and asylum seekers face challenging situations upon their arrival to the UK due to anti-refugee/immigration policies and rhetoric, racism, discrimination, and marginalisation. We need to welcome refugees into our communities and work to support them, and their mental health needs, after traumatic experiences.  

How you can get involved:  

We want to understand how organisations effectively engage refugees and support their mental health needs through services. Please get in touch if you’re working with refugees who can share their personal stories for a media project and if you are delivering specialist services that can be used as examples of best practice for case studies.

Cost of Living Crisis and its Impact on Mental Health  

The Association is working on a project on the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on mental health and well-being across different communities to help address inequalities in local systems. We are keen to understand the impact on people who already have pre-existing mental health conditions and those experiencing poor mental health because of the crisis itself.  

How you can get involved:  

To contribute a case study in the form of a personal testimony from a person being supported in your service or to share about a relevant service you’re delivering to respond to these needs, please email us with more details. Your contribution will support the work of NHS England’s Adult Mental Health team in developing policy focusing on this area.   

Coproduction in Mental Health Services and National Policy  

Our project focuses on what true and meaningful coproduction is as opposed to a tokenistic approach. We would like to understand how people with lived experience of poor mental health and illness can be actively involved in and coproduce services delivered by the VCSE provider sector and how they’re feeding their knowledge and expertise into commissioning processes.   

How you can get involved:  

We are keen to learn how services provided by our members have utilised their coproduction groups effectively, worked in collaboration with people they support, and how they have measured the impact coproduction has made on their services. We would like to develop I/We Statements, Top Tips documents from the perspective of people with lived experience as well as providers, and a catalogue of case studies highlighting both personal stories and provider perspectives. Please get in touch to contribute to this work.

Major Conditions Strategy  

With no dedicated cross-government plan for mental health being published but mental health being combined with chronic physical health conditions in a Major Conditions Strategy, we’re working on a project to support the Department of Health and Social Care to highlight the essential role of the VCSE provider sector in delivering mental health services. We want to ensure that mental health is embedded through all the other areas, highlighting the impact physical health conditions have on mental health but also, how people with poor mental health and illness are more likely to experience physical health conditions.   

How you can get involved: 

Please let us know if you’d like to share information to contribute to this important project which can include:

  • lived experience of having a physical health condition and mental health condition.
  • an example of an impactful service being delivered for people with mental health needs that can support their physical health too.
  • or anything to highlight the essential role of the VCSE sector in improving people’s mental and physical health.

If you would like to contribute to any of these projects, please email: