Association of Mental Health Providers

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HEE and Skills for Health Learning Disability and Autism Survey

The future of Learning Disability and Autism services within England is a priority in the Five Year Forward View. Given the workforce changes which may be required to better support people’s changing needs, Health Education England have commissioned Skills for Health to support Transforming Care Partnerships in developing the Learning Disability and Autism workforce across England.

As a crucial part of this work Skills For Health are asking all service providers who provide Learning Disability & Autism services to complete a survey regarding the Learning Disability & Autism workforce. The survey asks service providers to submit key workforce information and intelligence which will form the backbone of the wider work to be undertaken supporting workforce development in this area, as well as providing a valuable resource for the sector as a whole. It is important to note that this survey is designed to complement and enhance, rather than replicate, the information captured through the NHSI data collection process.

Therefore, SfH would strongly encourage all providers to complete the survey. The deadline for submission is the 29th March 2018. Please note there is an opportunity to win £150 of Amazon vouchers if you complete the survey (see survey for details). A pdf version is available to download at the top left of the page of the survey. If you have any queries then please contact

A link to the survey can be found below. Please choose the one most appropriate depending on the geographical area in which your organisation is based.

North of England
East England Midlands
South of England

In-depth interviews

SfH are also conducting in-depth interviews to get a better picture of the workforce demands, challenges and opportunities in the sector. This will help them identify best practice and workforce planning challenges, which will guide the provision of effective resources to understand and plan TCPs workforce and educational needs. If you can spare 20 minutes for a phone interview, please email:
