Information needed from Quality or CQC Leads
MHPF has been successful in developing conversations with CQC Executive Leads around the issues affecting our members related to inspection, with a meeting due next week [13 July] specifically focusing on mental health delivery. This will allow us to have greater influence moving forward around the factors affecting the sector for inspection. The upcoming meeting will focus on the new inspection methodology, national data collected to date on mental health services, how integrated pathways and different inspection frameworks affect our members, and sharing of good practices. Although this meeting in particular will be a strategic meeting, specific individual local organisational inspections can be discussed with your local inspection leads.
We would like to hear from our members about the broader inspection impact, relationships, what affects your organisation most, impact of working within both health and social care delivery, and how things can be improved. We are also interested in your experiences and anything that affects your services in the area of inspection by Friday 8 July. Please send your responses to