Association of Mental Health Providers

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Centre for Mental Health

We’re Centre for Mental Health. We take the lead in challenging policies, systems, and society so that everyone can have better mental health.

By developing mental health research, economic analysis and policy ideas, we equip services and decision-makers with the best available information to help them make the most informed decisions to meet people’s needs and reduce mental health inequalities.

We produce work that drives forward sustainable policy change, to pursue equality, social justice and good mental health for all.

Our five key ambitions are:

1. To secure a whole government long-term approach to protecting and promoting mental health for all, including housing, social security, health, business, justice, defence and the environment.
2. To address the unequal social and economic determinants of mental health, including poverty, racism, discrimination and exclusion, fostering action locally and nationally, including from statutory bodies, civil society and businesses.
3. To enable every child and young person to have a mentally healthy start in life through large-scale system change and investment.
4. To ensure that people of all ages with mental health difficulties get equitable, effective and timely health and social care services, including physical health, work, and housing.
5. To stimulate action to address inequalities in mental health across every dimension: working alongside communities and services to find sustainable, effective solutions. We will focus especially on addressing mental health inequalities facing neurodiverse communities, LGBTQ+ communities, racialised communities, refugee and asylum-seeking communities, older people, and people with ‘complex’ needs.