Mental Health North East (MHNE)
Mental Health North East (MHNE) is a coalition of third sector and voluntary organisations that provide mental health services in the North East of England. MHNE uses its combined voice to represent the sector at all levels. MHNE is built around a core belief that a strong, vibrant, diverse yet united voluntary and community sector is essential for the development of mental health services and for the improvement of the emotional health and well being of the region.
Our purpose is to represent our member organisations and bring them together. For MHNE and its member organisations to succeed, it is vital that the cause of good mental health is promoted wherever possible. Therefore MHNE seeks to reduce the stigma attached to mental health issues. MHNE seeks to include young people in its aims and in its work, in order to ensure that new generations are involved in mental health in the north east.
Mental Health North East aim to:
- promote joint working and partnership across the Voluntary/Not for Profit Mental Health Sector
- promote best practice in mental health to ensure high quality provision for, and partnership with service users
- strengthen the role of the mental health voluntary and community sector on a regional basis
- enable the mental health voluntary and community sector to play a greater role in the delivery of mental health services in the region
- support localities and mental health voluntary sector coalitions/networks across the region