Mosaic Clubhouse
Address: 65 Effra Road, Brixton, London SW2 1BZ, United Kingdom
Telephone: 02079249657
Mosaic Clubhouse is founded on the belief that all people, no matter how severely disabled by mental ill-health, have the potential to be productive and the right to dignified and meaningful relationships. We work within the psycho-social model of rehabilitation. One of the central elements of the Clubhouse approach is the importance given to the individual rather than to his or her medical diagnosis.
Our clubhouse is an opportunity centre for individuals recovering from mental ill health. Individuals who use the Clubhouse volunteer to work in partnership with the staff team to manage the day to day running of the Clubhouse. Our vision is that people with mental-ill health everywhere should achieve their full potential and be respected as co-workers, neighbours and friends.
Our Mission
The mission of the clubhouse is to assist in the recovery of people with mental ill-health.
What we do
The Clubhouse assists it’s members towards their recovery by providing routes back into paid employment, education and the chance to increase social networks through their participation in the evening and social programmes. We provide:
- Outreach
- Employment programme
- Further education
- Goal Planning
- Evening & weekend social programmes
- Assistance such as advocacy and help accessing required social services
The services provided at the clubhouse range from short-term assistance to on-going support, supplying routes back into the wider community through voluntary placements, paid employment and educational classes leading to nationally recognised qualifications.