Association of Mental Health Providers

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Sussex Oakleaf

Address: 36-38 Church Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Telephone: 01444459517


Sussex Oakleaf exists to “help people survive crisis and recover control in their lives”. We were created in 1993 when the original need was to respond to a local psychiatric hospital closure. The immediate need was to provide quality housing for patients and since then we have expanded to provide a wide range of services throughout West Sussex. We work with people with mental health needs, substance misusers and young people.

We feel passionately about what we do and we have the energy, ambition, drive and determination to provide first class creative, innovative and exciting projects with and for our service user groups. One of our strengths is the involvement of our service users at governance, management and project level.

Our Mission

Helping people survive crisis and recover control in their lives.

What we do

Our work and the support we provide includes:

  • providing a range of supported housing and related services
  • lobbying and campaigning
  • advocating on behalf of our clients
  • empowering our service users to be involved in Sussex Oakleaf
  • promoting the employment of people with a history of mental ill-health
  • challenging stigma and discrimination, promoting our service users in positive way
  • having staff, volunteers and a board who believe passionately in our service users
  • Day services and Drop-in centres
  • Floating support
  • Housing/accommodation
  • Outreach
  • Registered care