Telephone: 01223555800
Website: https://www.voiceability.org/
VoiceAbility is an independent national advocacy and user participation charity which works to enable people who face disadvantage or discrimination to exercise their rights to be heard, to be equal and included in society, and to live free from abuse. We work with people who need the greatest support to realise these rights, including people with learning disabilities, autism, mental health needs, acquired brain injury, older people and people with physical and sensory impairments. We work with over 30,000 people per annum in around 55 local authority areas. Disabled people and carers play the majority role in the governance of our organisation and our work is directed by people who use our services.
We provide advocacy services required by statute and those which extend beyond the statutory provisions. Our statutory advocacy includes Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA), which encompasses support in relation to the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA), Advocacy under the Care Act, NHS complaints advocacy and children’s advocacy. Our non-statutory advocacy services include one to one professional advocacy, peer and citizens advocacy.