Association of Mental Health Providers

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MHPF to attend a meeting on the NHS England Mental Health Secure Care Programme

MHPF will be attending the NHS England Mental Health Secure Care Programme meeting in order to be updated on its progress, test aims and objectives, as well as suggest ways we can be involved in the 5-year programme.

The task force recommendation on secure care:

NHS England should lead a comprehensive programme of work to increase access to high quality care that prevents avoidable admissions and supports recovery for people of all ages who have severe Mental Health problems and significant risk or safety issues in the least restrictive setting as close to home as possible. This should seek to address existing fragmented pathways in secure care, increase provision of community based services, such as residential rehabilitation, supported housing, and forensic or assertive outreach teams, and trial new co-commissioning funding and service models.

 Programme outcomes: five-year ambition;

  • Ensure that individuals receive care in the most appropriate setting
  • Address fragmented pathways in secure care
  • Identify co-commissioning funding and service models
  • Increase provision of community based services and reduce dependency on beds
  • Tackle inequalities for groups that are over represented in the system, and seek to ensure that out of area placements are substantially reduced
  • Identify where efficiencies could be realised and reinvested in mental health services

MHPF also raised the need for effective and responsive community pathways linked to community based services.

NHS England objectives 2016-17;

  • Systematically engage with the diverse and mobilised influential stakeholders in secure care. Through stakeholder events generate consensus as to the need for and direction of service transformation
  • Identify secondary providers that have capacity to manage tertiary budgets and support them in becoming new care models demonstrator sites
  • Carry out data gathering and analysis exercise, identifying current state of secure care, projected needs and gap analysis
  • Work with specialised commissioning colleagues to support the procurement process of secure care and identify further opportunities for co-commissioning to expand the new care models initiative.
  • Co- create a set of narratives with experts by experience and their families which identify opportunities for community based treatment interventions which prevent escalation and facilitate recovery. Use narratives to further develop the model for enhanced community care
  • As part of this, engage with seldom heard groups to identify practical interventions to address inequalities within the system
  • Develop workforce strategy to support implementation of community service model
  • In partnership with others, further roll out the implementation of personalised recovery focussed care planning in secure in psychological therapy services
  • Support specialised commissioning colleagues in reviewing and implementing the women’s strategy.

 MHPF has offered;

  • Commitment to support the objectives focusing on MHVCSE
  • Engagement of members in relation to 16-17 objectives, consultation, engagement, knowledge and case models, mapping, workforce
  • Engagement with wider VCSE strategic partners in relation seldom heard groups through equality and health inequalities work
  • Linking in with other MHPF work programmes including National Mental Health housing forum, strategic partner work programmes and equalities
  • Wider engagement and dissemination