Association of Mental Health Providers

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New Briefing on COVID-19 and Impact on VCSE Mental Health Sector

The Association has published a new briefing paper on the impact of COVID-19 on the VCSE mental health provider sector.

COVID-19 and the VCSE Mental Health Sector, is a live briefing document based on the experiences of our members and outlines the impact of the pandemic on their services and the people that they work with and for. Our conversations with members have enabled us to gather live intelligence and information on the challenges that are being faced by provider organisations, which we have categorised into 9 key priority areas that require urgent attention and a response from Government.

The VCSE mental health sector continues to face many challenges in delivering services during COVID-19 and it is vital that service providers working in the community are supported to enable them to continue delivering essential, life-saving services to vulnerable people who need it most. The suggestions and recommendations outlined are necessary and urgent for the VCSE mental health sector to be effective and sustainable, and remain in a position to support people with mental health needs, the local communities, and the NHS during and after the pandemic.

We will continue to produce further versions on the continuing impact of the pandemic on the VCSE mental health provider sector as we gather more intelligence from our membership and beyond.

Read the briefing here.