Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health Launched
As members of the Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health Expert Steering Group and co-producers of the first Concordat, The Association is delighted to announce the launch of the Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health and a suite of ten supporting resources. Public Health England have led on establishing a Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health Programme, as set out in the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health recommendation two. The Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health: Prevention planning resource for local areas main report is underpinned by an understanding that taking a prevention focussed approach to improving the public’s mental health is shown to make a valuable contribution to achieving a fairer and more equitable society. The suite of resources is specifically focused on prevention of mental health problems and promotion of mental health. It is therefore designed to complement, but not replace, related resources such as our suicide prevention resources and the Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat. The establishment of the Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health Programme has been overseen by an expert steering group including Faculty of Public Health, Local Government Association, and NHS England. More information and resources can be found here.