Association of Mental Health Providers

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Response to Election Manifestos

This week, the main political parties – Conservatives, Labour, and Liberal Democrats published their manifestos, sharing their party’s vision for mental health.

Kathy Roberts, Chief Executive of Association of Mental Health Providers, commented:

With more than just a mention, as was two years ago, and all parties dedicating at least a chapter to the topic, it is a welcome step in the right direction and shows how far mental health has come in the political agenda. Mental ill-health affects one in four people in the UK each year, yet there is a long way to go to ensure parity of esteem and protect mental health services.

“All three parties have made strong commitments to improving mental health care and addressing the challenge of mental ill-health, however, it is disappointing that the significant role of the voluntary and community sector as a mental health service planning and delivery partner has been omitted from all manifestos. The knowledge and real strength of the voluntary and community sector needs to be taken seriously as an equal partner to meet the Government’s priority for better mental health.

“Following the election, we hope that the new Government will recognise the invaluable contribution of the mental health voluntary and community sector, and the essential role it has in delivering care and support across health and social care.”


For more information, please contact Dania Hanif, Policy and Communications Officer, on or call 020 7766 7496.