Association of Mental Health Providers

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Response to Government’s New Tobacco Control Plan

As members of the Mental Health and Smoking Partnership [1], we have welcomed the publication of the Government’s new Tobacco Control Plan [2] for England today, which for the first time prioritises reducing smoking among people with a mental health condition.

The Association’s Chief Executive, Kathy Roberts, has commented:

“We are delighted to see the commitment made by the Government in the new Tobacco Control Plan to cut the smoking rates amongst people with mental health conditions. through the implementation of comprehensive smokefree policies, including integrated tobacco dependence treatment pathways, in all mental health services by 2018. However, the Government must recognise the essential role of the voluntary and community sector in mental health provision, and not focus on primary care and hospital settings entirely. It must be emphasised that the majority of mental health provision takes place in the local communities and in order for the ambitions of the new Government plan to be realised, the Government, NHS Trusts, Commissioners and other agencies must work in collaboration with the VCSE sector.”


For more information, please contact Dania Hanif, Policy and Communications Officer, on or call 020 7766 7496.


[1] The Mental Health and Smoking Partnership was established in 2016 following the publication of The Stolen Years: Smoking and Mental Health Action Report. The Partnership, which meets quarterly, brings together Royal Colleges, third sector organisations and academia to review progress and highlight areas for further action. It is co-chaired by Professor Ann McNeill, UKCTAS and Rt Hon Professor Paul Burstow, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

[2] Towards a smoke-free generation: a tobacco control plan for England. Department of Health. July 2017.
