Association of Mental Health Providers

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Second Round of Grants Awarded in Mental Health Sustainability Programme

Association of Mental Health Providers is pleased to share that the second round of grants from the Mental Health Sustainability Fund have been successfully administered; and we are supporting 29 organisations with a share of approximately £85,000*.

These successful organisations demonstrated that they would use the money to contribute to their sustainability and were supporting groups of individuals who had been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic – supporting us to meet the aims of the Fund and the Programme.

Last time, we saw a lot of costs related to digital service delivery and provision; we noted this time that costs were to contribute to a blended/mixed approach and the requisite Covid-19 adaptations that organisations would need to return safely to face-to-face delivery. We also supported many more requests in this round that contributed positively to the staff experience, such as external supervision/facilitation costs, wellbeing packages of support and learning and management system implementation/improvement.

We have invited all 200~ applicants to the Fund to our next webinar, on Grant Fundraising with Samaritans, where we hope to support them to develop greater skill and confidence for their next application, to us and other funders.

Finally, the underspend* (we had committed to another £100,000 pot) will go towards subsidising workshops and training that will increase the knowledge and support that providers in the Programme can access such as Mental Health First Aid courses, as they were heavily requested across the applicants in this round.


The names of organisations supported are: Anorexia and Bulimia Care, Autism Family Support Oxfordshire, Baby Umbrella, BLAM UK, Chrysalis Care New Generation, Creativity Works, Free Your Instinct, Happy Times Activities, HOPE – South Yorkshire Fire, Road and Water-related Trauma Support for Families, Make a Difference Tavistock, Mindful Peak Performance CIC, Music24, Oxfordshire Chinese Community and Advice Centre, Oxygen, Pregnancy Crisis Care (Plymouth and SE Cornwall), Relate Chesterfield and North Derbyshire, Reverse the Trend Foundation, Somewhere House Somerset, South Asian Health Forum, Space to Breathe CIC, Step Out Mentoring (The Wells Trust), Support ME Maternal Project, Tandem, The Brave Project CIC, The Craig Tyler Trust, The Flowhesion Foundation, The Sporting Memories Foundation, Winchester Youth Counselling, You Raise Me Up
