Association of Mental Health Providers

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The Association welcomes a new NHS England Medical Director for Mental Health and Neurodiversity

NHS England has recently announced that Dr Adrian James has been appointed to the role of Medical Director for Mental Health and Neurodiversity.

Kathy Roberts, Chief Executive of The Association of Mental Health Providers, said:

“The Association welcomes Dr Adrian James’ appointment as the Medical Director for Mental Health and Neurodiversity at NHS England. The role is the first of its kind and we are particularly pleased to see that there is now a role that will support people with neurodiversity as we know that people who experience mental health challenges are also more likely to be neurodiverse. Dr Adrian James has led substantial work, his most recent being for the Royal College of Psychiatrists where he advocated for the ambition of achieving parity of esteem, having mental health on equal footing with physical health, improving outcomes for minoritised communities, and spearheading crucial work on workforce and funding. We look forward to working with Dr James to further improve mental health outcomes, the experience of care, and access to services, and we wish him well in his new role.”