Publication • Race, Mental Health and Criminal Justice: Moving Forward
Dania Hanif
Published: August 31, 2017
A joint briefing, ‘Race, mental health and criminal justice: moving forward’, from social justice charity, Nacro, Clinks, Association of Mental Health Providers and Mental Health Foundation as partners in the Mental Health Consortia, and the Race Equality Foundation has found that voluntary sector practitioners and service users from Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds…
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Publication • More than Shelter - A Literature Review
Dania Hanif
Published: June 6, 2016
This literature review, by Centre for Mental Health in association with MHPF and Royal College of Psychiatrists, reviews evidence about the provision of supported housing services for people with mental health problems in England. The report highlights the significant links between housing and mental wellbeing, indicating that factors such as overcrowding, insufficient daylight and fear of…
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Publication • Whole Prison, Whole Person
Dania Hanif
Published: April 23, 2019
Supported by the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, The Association has been working with partners’ Clinks and Nacro to develop a report on how a holistic approach can support good mental health in prison. The Whole Prison, Whole Person report sets out the key principles and recommendations towards developing a whole prison approach to good mental…
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Publication • Demonstrating the value of the voluntary and community sectors
Dania Hanif
Published: June 30, 2016
Voluntary and community sector (VCSE) organisations are frequently asked by funders to demonstrate the economic value of their work using limited evaluation budgets or from their own data and resource. Even where VCSE organisations are not asked to formally evaluate, they still want to understand what impact they make, what ‘added value’ they bring and how that can help in design and delivery. This paper has…
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