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Autonomy for social care providers over outbreak management

Press release from the Department of Health and Social Care announcing changes to guidance for social care giving providers more autonomy over the use of face masks and outbreak management – [Shared as received]


  • Guidance for social care has been updated to give local providers more autonomy over universal face mask use and outbreak management.
  • Providers can now conduct risk assessments to make decisions about the use of masks across adult social care and on measures in the event of Covid outbreaks in care homes.
  • Outbreak testing has also been streamlined for small care homes in line with public health advice.

Guidance on the use of face masks in all care settings and on outbreaks in care homes has been updated to give settings the flexibility to ensure ongoing Covid measures are proportionate.

Previous guidance stated that face masks in care settings should be worn at all times and that care homes should seek advice from a local health protection team in the event of Covid outbreak, but this pre-Christmas change enables providers to further utilise their own skills and knowledge on appropriate measures.

From today (Thursday 15 December), providers can make risk-based decisions on when face masks are used, and care homes can initiate their own outbreak risk assessments to make decisions about which outbreak measures make sense for their individual settings. Decisions around masks will be based on factors like the risk to specific individuals, if the setting is in an outbreak or the preferences of the individual receiving care. Support remains available from health protection teams and other local partners for care homes when needed.

Testing guidance has also been streamlined for small care homes to reduce the number of tests staff and residents need to take in the event of an outbreak. This, alongside new flexibility for rapid response testing in these settings, is in line with the latest public health advice.

Social care settings will continue to be equipped with free PPE to keep staff and people receiving care safe over winter and protected against Covid where necessary.

Care providers are now able to adopt a risk-based approach with decisions on the use of face masks balanced with the risk of infections spreading and considering any risks or benefits that arise from their use. Care homes can make use of new flexibility in the updated guidance on outbreak management and in all circumstances, should ensure visits between loved ones are supported, with each resident able to have at least one visitor even in an outbreak. Outbreak measures should only be implemented if at least two of the cases of Covid are linked and should be proportionate to factors specific to the care home such as if it’s well ventilated, easy to keep some parts isolated and how vulnerable people in the home are to Covid.

Providers should continue to ensure adherence to guidance and be able to evidence this to the Care Quality Commission when asked.

People receiving care can ask for staff to wear face masks, and staff should, of course, work in whatever way will make the person they are caring for most comfortable.

Vaccination remains the best defence against flu and Covid, and with both viruses circulating this winter, it is vital that all those eligible – including care workers – come forward to top up their immunity and protect themselves and those they care for.

Excellent progress has been made with nearly 45 million people jabbed this year, including 16.7 million Autumn booster jabs. It is important that care workers and care recipients are protected against illness so that staffing and visitation levels can be maintained, and care services can be kept safe this winter – this is why the government has supported care workers to get vaccinated by enabling them to be eligible at the same time as people receiving care. Social care workers and others eligible this winter can book their appointments for both a Covid Autumn booster and flu vaccine via the National Booking Service or by contacting their GP.

The government continues to encourage staff and care recipients to take sensible precautions to protect against infection this winter.


Notes to Editor