Association of Mental Health Providers

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Cost-of-Living Crisis: Mental Health Resources

The cost-of-living crisis, created by the increase in prices and low financial support for those who need it most, has led to a negative impact on people’s mental health, worsening it for those who already experience poor mental health. It’s essential that those whose financial insecurity and mental illness has been exacerbated know that mental health support is available and where to access it.

Our member Mental Health Concern have highlighted how the cost-of-living crisis and its mental health impact has become a fundamental issue for many of us in this article with Sky News where they share the experience of people they support through their services.

If you’re struggling with your finances and this is impacting your mental health, it’s important to have access to the right support and to know that you don’t have to face this alone.

Here is a list of resources to help you cope with the crisis :

  • Citizens Advice website has a range of helpful resources when it comes to managing your money/debt.
  • Mind has lots of tips for managing money and your mental health. From organising your finances, claiming benefits with a mental health problem, and dealing with services, to looking after your mental health when you’re worried about money. See here.
  • Rethink Mental Illness operates a Mental Health Breathing Space debt relief pilot scheme for people in crisis. The Mental Health Access to Breathing Space Scheme helps take the pressure off people with debt issues whilst they are receiving crisis treatment and up to 30 days after.
  • Mental Health UK have created Mental health and Money Advice which is a free website that provides impartial and straightforward information, support, and advice for anyone affected by mental health and money issues. The website also contains some effective tools to help you manage your money.
  • Harmless can help support you or someone you know who do or are at risk of self-harm. They can help people of any age. Find support here.

Find a list of mental health support services and their contact details on our website.


