Developing a model for a ‘whole prison approach’ to good mental health
Association of Mental Health Providers is partnering with Clinks on a Health and Wellbeing Alliance work programme to develop a model for a whole prison approach to good mental health. Working alongside Alliance partners, we are particularly interested in how we can improve mental health for people from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities and other equalities groups in contact with the criminal justice system, and how the voluntary sector can contribute to achieving this.
Clinks will produce a report which will outline what a whole prison approach model to good mental health could look like, and make recommendations aimed at service providers, prisons and government on how it can be implemented.
The report will be informed by a literature review conducted by the Mental Health Foundation, our partners in the Mental Health Consortium, and extensive insight gathered in partnership with a number of Alliance members, through workshops and focus groups, including with people who have personal experience of mental ill-health in prisons.
Using this template, please share any examples of work being undertaken currently or previously that focus on supporting good mental health in prison, with a focus on supporting good mental health for people from BAME communities and other equalities groups.
Please leave blank any sections that aren’t relevant to you, but try to provide as much information as possible.
By completing this form you give permission for us to publish the information you provide as good practice examples in our final report. Please return the form to Dania by Friday 1 March.