Developing Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health at a Local Level to Enable Equality of Outcomes
Association of Mental Health Providers, as leads of the Mental Health Consortium, are leading a Health and Wellbeing Alliance work programme on the Prevention Concordat and the Voluntary Sector Contribution. Working alongside 15 Alliance partners, we are developing a resource on ‘Health Inequalities and Fairer and Equitable Society’, which will collate sources of information and analysis to create a better understanding of the breadth of the issues related to mental health prevention for protected groups and provide case study examples from which there can be shared learnings. In addition to the case studies, each partner will highlight the specific issues related to increasing equity and reducing health inequality for their group and outline the VCSE’s role in prevention, with actions and recommendations for commissioners and providers.
The Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health Programme aims to facilitate local and national action around preventing mental ill-health and promoting good mental health. A set of resources have been developed to help local areas to put in place effective prevention planning arrangements.
How to respond
Using the template, please share any examples of work being undertaken currently or previously on the prevention of mental health conditions and promotion of good mental health, with a focus on health equalities and inequalities. We will share a range of practice examples in the resource which is developed from this project. By following this format, examples can also be submitted to PHE for review and inclusion in their practice examples collection. Sub-questions are for guidance only and are not mandatory.
If you have multiple examples that you would like to share, please complete a separate template for each practice. If the information in any of the sections is not available, please leave them blank.
Please return any examples to as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about the project, please contact