Association of Mental Health Providers

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Eligibility to Join the Programme

The Association has been chosen to be the national partner for the mental health sector.  We can help to explain the programme, support you with applications to join it, and will have a key role in helping successful applicants to progress their ideas and grow their enterprise activity.  For any initial enquiries, organisations can contact Greg Woolley, Enterprise Development Manager.

Provisional Eligibility Criteria for mental health sector applicants

The window for Expressions of Interest and applications for mental health sector organisations is expected to open in January 2020 and run into February.

  • Demonstrating motivation to deliver meaningful opportunities for people with mental health needs
  • A maximum annual income i.e. under £1m
  • Level of total statutory funding received for delivery of services
  • Demonstrating lived experience involvement / coproduction in development of services and enterprising activities
  • Demonstrating the diversification of income streams, which deliver positive outcomes for people with mental health needs
  • Demonstrating a clear interest and intent in diversifying income streams
  • Evidence of sustainable trading activities going forward and rationale for development i.e. local needs, demographics, etc.
  • Evidencing personalised approaches and community connections
  • 75% of work is for people with Mental Health needs.
  • Board member support and commitment for enterprise activity

Desirable would be:

  • Demonstrating an understanding of employment and training pathways

In the meantime, you can register your interest by sending an email to, stating which sector your organisation operates in, and we will contact you when the relevant application window opens.