Letter from the SoS to the Social Care Workforce
Letter from Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock to the social care workforce thanking them for their help on coronavirus so far.
Letter from Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock to the social care workforce thanking them for their help on coronavirus so far.
This document should be used to guide clinicians on the appropriate use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), non-invasive ventilation (NIV, here referring to bilevel positive airway pressure, BiPAP) and high flow nasal oxygen (HFNO, such as OptiflowTM) in patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. Published evidence, clinical guidelines and personal communications with colleagues in…
Read moreGuidance for providers of residential care, supported living, and home care, in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak. The guidance sets out: how to maintain delivery of care in the event of an outbreak or widespread transmission of COVID-19 what to do if care workers or individuals being cared for have symptoms of COVID-19 Residential…
Read moreKathy Roberts, Chief Executive, Association of Mental Health Providers Sarah Hughes, Chief Executive, Centre for Mental Health and Trustee, The Association The coronavirus pandemic has put pressure on mental health across society, and it brings especial challenges for the health and care workforce. Significant attention has been paid to the emotional and psychological needs of…
Read moreThe Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition have published a live briefing considering the impact of COVID-19 on children and young people’s mental health, and the services that support them. The Coalition and its members are committed to supporting evidence-based approach in responding to COVID-19, and ensure they protect against a public health crisis…
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