Association of Mental Health Providers

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National Benchmarking Survey of Social Care Workforce

The Association is pleased to be able to announce that the 2023 National Workforce Benchmarking Survey of Social Workers and Wider Social Care Workforce Employed Within Employed Within VCSE Sector Supporting People with Mental Health Conditions Across England has been commissioned by NHS England Workforce Training and Education directorate for another year. The Association was very encouraged by the level of engagement by the VCSE mental health sector in last year’s survey, the report of which can be found here.

The findings from last year’s survey findings confirmed the multi-skilled nature of the VCSE mental health workforce in a range of settings and its key role in improving outcomes for people living with mental illness or experiencing mental distress and their unpaid carers.

We know members will understand the value and importance of being able to continue to illustrate and highlight the importance of the VCSE mental health sector with data and intelligence of this sort. As such, we would be very grateful if you could help us build on last year’s findings and complete the data template by Friday 3 November 2023.

Should you have any queries, please contact the NHSBN team at A short walkthrough of the data collection template is available on the website here, and drop-in sessions will be held throughout the data collection period where the NHSBN team will be available to assist.