Association of Mental Health Providers

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Our Manifesto for Better Mental Health

Ella Dunthorne

Published: June 12, 2024

The pandemic and cost of living crisis have led to a rapid increase in the prevalence of mental health needs and demand for mental health services across society. Recent figures estimate that 1 in 6 adults experience a common mental health disorder, like anxiety or depression, in any given week. We know that mental health…

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Developing positive engagement between commissioners and the VCSE provider sector

Dania Hanif

Published: November 20, 2023

Commissioning within the public sector is changing, especially in the context of Integrated Health and Care. Place-based commissioning is effective for ensuring more effective outcomes for people on a more localised basis, but it should be recognised that commissioning approaches vary across the country. The role of the VCSE within communities is widely recognised as…

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Research: Not-for-profit enterprise & workforces with mental ill-health

Greg Woolley

Published: July 17, 2023

For the past three years the Association has been a national partner to Enterprise Development Programme (EDP), funded by Access – the foundation for social investment. This program supports charities and social enterprises based in England looking to identify, test, implement or scale trading models to deliver their missions and help them become more sustainable.…

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Mental Health Sustainability Programme: Final Evaluation Report

Hayley Alton

Published: April 3, 2023

Close to three years ago, conversations about how to best to support the mental health provider charities that were struggling with the start of Covid-19 and lockdown began, and the idea of the Mental Health Sustainability Programme emerged. Over the course of the Programme’s formal 2-years in operation, we have supported more than 100 small…

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Mental Health Social Care: What it is, why and how it matters for Integrated Care

Ella Dunthorne

Published: July 5, 2022

This report considers the key role of social care for people living with mental health distress and mental illness. The report has been prepared by the Association, on behalf of the Mental Health Social Care Policy and Oversight Group, for the Department of Health and Social Care. The Policy and Oversight Group brings together partners…

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Developing the Mental Health Social Care Workforce

Ella Dunthorne

Published: September 2, 2021

Increasing pressures on the mental health social care workforce and difficulties in some parts of the sector offering social care related support due to workforce issues are well-known. Although the Community Mental Health Framework is a significant opportunity, it also presents challenges for the sector which require careful planning informed by up-to-date intelligence. Developing the…

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Covid-19 Vaccine Briefing

Association of Mental Health Providers

Published: July 28, 2021

The following questions have been raised by members and we hope the responses outlined in this briefing, which have been drafted after taking legal advice, provide some clarity, These recommendations are by no means exhaustive nor conclusive as the details of the legalisation currently are very high level. Uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine is currently…

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Governance During Covid-19 in VCSE Mental Health Sector

Dania Hanif

Published: June 28, 2021

The last year has brought with it many challenges for organisations working in the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector and constituted as charities. These organisations have continued to deliver essential mental health and wellbeing services to people in crisis – for both those whose mental illness or poor mental health pre-dated the COVID-19…

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Digital Inclusion in Mental Health - A Guide to Help Increase Choice and Improve Access to Digital Mental Health Services

Dania Hanif

Published: December 9, 2020

This guide aims to help mental health service providers ensure all individuals in need of mental health services have choice in the care they receive, and nobody is excluded due to a lack of digital access, confidence or skills. In the wake of COVID-19, the use of remote or digital mental health services was accelerated…

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Peer Support: Working with the VCSE Sector

Dania Hanif

Published: September 17, 2020

Association of Mental Health Providers, NSUN, and Mind have jointly produced a thought-piece outlining how voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) organisations can meaningfully contribute to the provision of peer support in mental health; and offer practical examples of the diverse ways in which this is already happening. We argue that the knowledge, skills,…

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COVID-19 and the VCSE Mental Health Sector

Dania Hanif

Published: April 15, 2020

COVID-19 and the VCSE Mental Health Sector, is a live briefing document based on the experiences of our members and outlines the impact of the pandemic on their services and the people that they work with and for. Our conversations with members have enabled us to gather live intelligence and information on the challenges that…

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Supporting Mental Health in Communities During Covid-19: Bringing VCSE and Statutory Services Together

Dania Hanif

Published: April 3, 2020

The global coronavirus outbreak is putting the mental as well as physical health of people around the world under strain. For people with existing mental health difficulties, this may be especially pronounced, at a time when mental health services are stretched and coping with higher sickness absence due to the virus. Across the UK, voluntary…

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