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MHSP & EDP Webinar Series – #4 Introduction to the Good Things Foundation

Webinar Date: Wednesday 18 August 2021
Delivered by: Michael Skeldon

WEBINAR TOPIC: An Introduction to the Good Things Foundation and Online Centres Network

Delivered by the Good Things Foundation – a social change charity, helping people to improve their lives through digital.

We hope this webinar will introduce to you the work that the Good Things Foundation does; as well as enhance the benefits that accessible and inclusive digital technologies can have for you, your organisations and your beneficiaries.

The webinar will be delivered by Michael Skeldon, Learning Design and User Experience Officer.

This webinar will address:

1. The context to the work of the Good Things Foundation

2. The different terms used in digital inclusion work

3. How to support people to get online

Attendees will leave with:

1. A better understanding of the work of Good Things Foundation and how to become a member of their network

2. A better understanding of digital inclusion and the barriers – as well as some ideas on how to overcome them by way of interactive teaching examples in the webinar

3. A greater confidence to engage people digitally.

We have gratefully received consent from providers involved to include the interactive content, discussion and engagement in this webinar.

If there are any issues with the video, or you have questions on the content, please contact

