Webinar • MHSP Sustainability Toolkit - EDI with Mott MacDonald
Hayley Alton
Published: April 11, 2022
This recording is from the Mental Health Sustainability Programme’s Sustainability Toolkit. The session was delivered by our private sector partner, Mott MacDonald; Kerry Smith, EDI Manager, International Development (South Asia, Middle East and Africa). In the recording Kerry supports us to better understand what EDI is, why to make EDI a part of your business…
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News • Mental Health Sustainability Programme - Virtual Event Video
Dania Hanif
Published: December 10, 2020
Seven months ago, a coalition of leading mental health charities collaborated to develop a model which allows private sector partners to offer expertise, knowledge, skills, and funds, to VCSE provider organisations in the mental health sector. The Mental Health Sustainability Programme aims to enhance the way that the VCSE sector works in partnership with the…
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Webinar • Webinar with Age UK - Older Adults, Mental Health, and Prevention
Association of Mental Health Providers
Published: June 19, 2019
Webinar Date: Wednesday 17 June 2019 Delivered by: Alice Roe This webinar, with Alice Roe from Age UK, will provide a short overview of the issues affecting older adults with depression not accessing mental health services. Mental health and emotional wellbeing are as important in older age as at any other time of life. However, there have been historic inequalities…
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Webinar • Transforming Community Mental Health Services Webinar
Ella Dunthorne
Published: January 10, 2022
Webinar Date: Monday 6 December 2021 Delivered by: Kathy Roberts (Chair), Mark Winstanley (Chair), Mark Trewin, Melanie Brooks, Greg Fell, Isaac Samuels, Liam Gilfellon and Linda Bryant. This webinar is about the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme, in collaboration with Rethink Mental Illness. During this, we will hear from an expert by experience, VCSE providers…
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