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Webinar with Advance UK – Shared Ownership

Webinar Date: Thursday 9 November 2017
Delivered by: Graeme Jackson

Advance UK is a Registered Provider of Housing, a Housing Association and as such is regulated by the Homes and Communities Agency. As a supported housing provider Advance works predominantly with people with either a learning disability or an enduring mental health condition and to a lesser extent people with a physical disability. Advance is able to work over a large part of the Midlands, South East and South West England. As a Developing Housing Association Advance has built new homes for people with a disability or enduring mental health conditions and also has headed up the HOLD scheme (Home Ownership for people with Long Term Disabilities) to enable people who find it difficult to access the Help to Buy shared ownership products to become home owners.

As a provider of HOLD, Advance has been involved in this type of home ownership since 1998. In this webinar, Graeme Jackson, Head of Investment and Development at Advance Housing and Support, talks through the HOLD process, and how Advance has supported over 600 people to achieve shared ownership.